The Students of Concern Committee (SOCC) provides a centralized place for various campus departments to come together and communicate relevant information, coordinate institutional response, and consult about students of concern. Students are referred to the Center for Support and Intervention when they are exhibiting concerning behaviors related to their personal, physical, and emotional well-being; select cases are then brought to the Students of Concern Committee when appropriate.

A large circle is surrounded by a series of smaller circles. The large circle is labeled as the Students of Concern Committee. Starting at the top middle, the smaller circles are labeled as the various offices within the students of concern committee which include: Basic Needs Center (BNC), Berkeley International Office, Center for Student Conduct, College of Letters & Science Undergraduate Advising, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Disabled Students’ Program, Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, Graduate Division, Office of the AVC / Dean of Students, Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination, PATH to Care Center, Residential Life, and UC Police Department - Threat Management Unit (TMU). .

SOCC Team Members

  • Basic Needs Center 
  • Berkeley International Office
  • Center for Student Conduct
  • Center for Support and Intervention (Chair)
  • College of Letters and Science
  • Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Disabled Students’ Program
  • Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Graduate Division
  • Office of the AVC/Dean of Students
  • Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination 
  • PATH to Care Center
  • Residential Life
  • UC Police Department: Threat Management Unit

The SOCC also consults with other advisors, faculty, and staff as necessary.